(Stress reliever, Immunity booster & Growth promoter)
- Birds undergo various kinds of stress including transporation, vaccination and climatic stress. Strong Immune system is key to prevention of various diseases. The birds require balanced nutrients to fulfil their demand of energy, protein, essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins failing to which production drops down and mortality increases. This product provides all these nutrients in balanced amount and it is fortified with Phytochemicals to serve Anti- stress and Immunomodulator effects
- Provide energy and protein to fulfil high demand of birds
- Provide essential trace minerals
- Provide various vitamins essential for growth and production
- Various Phytochemicals reduce stress and modulate Immune system
- This scientifically balanced composition reduces early chick mortality, increases growth rate and production
Usage & Administration
- Chicks 5-20 ml/100 birds/day
- Growers 20-25 ml/100 birds/day
- Layers/Broilers 30-40 ml/100 birds/day
- Cattle 100-200 ml/day
- Dog 20-50 ml/day
- Administer 7 to 10 days for better results
Packing & Presentation