Respiratory diseases are one of the most common ailments of poultry which lead to heavy mortality and production losses. This product is blend of medicinal herbs which are known to restrict growth of Mycoplasma, Bacteria and Fungus. Active ingredients also possess Mucolytic, Expectorant, Bronchodilator, Anti-tussive, Anti-inflammatory, Antimicrobial, Anti-stress, Antioxidant and Respiratory tract soothening properties. These herbs have shown promising results against disease conditions like Bronchitis, Laryngitis and Bronchial asthma. Prevents various infections and hence useful as growth promoterIndications
Dosage and Usage
Mixing ratio in feed-500 gram per ton of feed for prevention & 1 kg to 2 kg per ton of feed during high demanding period
Ensure proper mixing of Broncholer in feed for better results
100 ml per 1000 birds for prevention & 200 ml per 1000 birds during high Demanding period in drinking water.
Ensure proper distribution of product in drinking water
25 kg Multi wall paper Bag for Premix.
500 ml & 1 litre HDPE bottle for Liquid